> Hello, world!_

My name is Roman and I am a web developer.

> My journey_

> My skills_


JavaScript TypeScript


Java SQL Python

Above average



React.JS Express.JS Tailwind CSS Bootstrap CSS Wordpress


Next.JS Socket.IO MySQL

Above average

Mongo DB


Figma Visual Studio Code PhpMyAdmin


GitHub Jira NetBeans Postman

Above average


> Projects_

Portfolio logo
This portfolio

Explore my projects, get to know me, and connect for collaboration opportunities!

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Brever logo

Brever is a messaging app, developed as a remarkable graduation project.

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To-do logo
To-do app

Check out my old To-Do application made with JavaScript, Bootstrap, and MongoDB.

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Port logo
Silport (Internship)

The most eastern port of the EU in the Baltic Sea is where I had my developer internship.

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ESN logo
ESN (Internship)

The largest news portal in Sillamäe, where I completed my internship as a web developer.

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> Articles_


Things to learn to get into front-end development

What does it take to start creating awesome websites? In this article I will try to give the answer.

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About my graduation project

In this article, I'll share the details of my graduation project with you.

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> Let's keep in touch_

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Or you can also write me directly to my email - roman.ivanov.dev@gmail.com